Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of School

I'm a couple of weeks behind, but we had a very successful start to school this year.

Maddie started 3rd grade.  She didn't get the teacher that she wanted, but we had heard great things about the one that she got so she was happy.  And even happier when she found out that two of her friends from her softball team were in her class.  She got a cute new outfit for the first day of school and her Mimi took her the day before school started to get her toenails painted.  So she was ready to go. 
Our first day of school tradition - pancakes!

My sweet third-grader 

Her polka dot nails - they matched her outfit perfectly

She ended up having a great first day and absolutely loved it.  She enjoyed being with her softball friends and she made a few new friends as well.  Third grade is going to be a success!

Micah made a big move this year and started Pre-K.  This is the only time he and Maddie will be in the same school.  Honestly, I spent much of the summer worrying about him and how he would do in school.  He just truly struggles to sit still and remain quiet when he should.  And he sometimes thinks that he knows more than he actually knows.  And I'm afraid that my nervousness may have rubbed off on him, because he was not terribly excited about starting school.  However, he has by far exceeded my expectations.  First of all, with the exception of a couple of small issues, he has not been in any trouble.  And he absolutely loves it.  Cannot wait to go each day.  I am so relieved!  Here are some pics of my cute Pre-K student!

Enjoying his pancakes!
Big bright smile
With his new teacher, Mrs. Griffin
The only downside of Pre-K is that it is only 2 1/2 hours long, which is not much time to get anything done.  I can do a few short errands when Mason is up for it, but he still frequently naps in the mornings.  However, I have so far greatly enjoyed my one-on-one time with my littlest guy.  After we drop of the big kids, most days we come home and play for a while before he takes a quick nap.  Then back to the school to pick up big brother.  I'm trying to savor every minute with him because I know that in the blink of an eye, it will be him that I'm dropping off a Pre-K, then another blink and it will be third grade.  I really cannot believe how quickly time moves along.  So I sit down and read books over and over again, roll balls, and whatever other activity he wants to do because this little boy is growing up quick and I'm trying to enjoy these sweet baby days before the first day of school belongs to him. 


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