Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mr. Chatterbox

Mason is now 18 months old and is really talking quite a bit.  Sadly, much of this sounds like mumbo jumbo to us and we don't understand a great portion of what he says.  But I think that for his age, he is progressing very well and has more than the expected number of words.

Things he says that almost anyone could understand:

  • Mama
  • Dada
  • Shoe
  • Bye Bye
  • Papa
  • Baby
  • Please
  • Puppy
  • Cracker
  • Cookie
  • Go
  • Up
  • Hot
  • Ball
I'm sure there are more but those are the first few that come to mind.  He also will tell you where his eyes, nose, ears, feet, etc are on his body.  And if you ask him how the duck, cow, dog, and cat go, he will make the appropriate sound.  The cutest is when you ask him how the car goes and he says "Vroom Vroom".

He is actually at a very fun age (other than the crankiness from the pesky canines that he is trying to cut).  When you are sitting down and you get up to do something, his favorite thing is to quickly sneak into your spot and laugh hysterically that he stole your chair.  He can throw something into the trash or the dirty clothes if you ask him, and is beginning to help clean up his own toys and messes.

However, he is still a little boy through and through and he did something really funny a couple of weeks ago that I don't want to forget.  The kids and I decided to make a trip to OKC to visit Nana while Grandpa was out of town and Daddy was playing in a golf tournament.  We decided to go to the Sam Noble Museum because they have some dinosaur exhibits that we knew the kids would like, plus a Discovery room where the kids can play.  Mason was really not in a good mood for most of this day, but we just did our best to keep him happy so the big kids could have fun.  He was walking along in the museum looking around to see what was there.  I was watching him closely to make sure he didn't touch anything, but this boy is quick.  I was trying to take a picture of the big kids with a dinosaur and so I took my eye off of him for a minute.  After I clicked the picture, Maddie says "um, Mason is in with the dinousaurs."  What??  I turn around, and he has climbed INTO the exhibit and it sitting down, happy as can be, at the foot of a huge dinousar.  I really, really wanted to take a picture of it but there were cameras all over the place and I didn't want to get kicked out, so I quickly retrieved him from the exhibit and we high-tailed it to another part of the museum.  We laughed and laughed about it afterwards.  Love my sweet boy so much and wish he wasn't growing up so quickly.

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