Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Day of School

We now have a 5th grader, a 1st grader, and a Preschooler.

My kids are growing up, and way too quickly.  Makes me sad, but also proud because they are all such great kids.

This is what a 5th grader looks like.  Note the large amount of Vera Bradley in this picture.  Apparently all 5th grade girls have Vera Bradley.  Not sure if that was true or not, but somehow she ended up with the backpack and the lunch box.

And here is our 1st grader.

You can't see his backpack in this picture, but it is Star Wars, which is his latest obsession.

Mason started school too, but not on the same day as the big kids.  He is going to go 2 days each week and here is his first day picture.  He was the most excited about his new lunch pail.

All three kids had a great start to school.  Maddie gets to change classes this year which is a new thing for her, but she is enjoying the change of pace so far.  Micah likes his teacher and he has a few friends in his class.  In typical Micah fashion, he is struggling a bit with behavior issues, but he is excelling academically because he is one smart little guy.  And Mason absolutely loves school so far.  When I picked him up after his first day, he was full of details and talked a blue streak about school and all they did.  After he told me everything, he promptly stated "But I'm never going back!!".  After I explained to him that he got to stay home with me for a day before he goes back, he decided that he did indeed want to go back and has been eager to go every day since then.  All in all, I say that our school experience is off to a good start for all 3 kids.  I was kind of sad for summer to end, but the routine of school is actually a welcome change for me.

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